Build a World Worth Living

BUILTWORLD ist die führende Eventplattform für den Gebäude Lebenszyklus im deutschsprachigen Raum.

Justin Groot

Managing Director at Sentistic BV

Krommenie, Netherlands

Real Estate Energy PropTech Office Retail Logistic Hospitality Development Building Technologies Corporate Real Estate Real Estate Investment Asset Management Property Management Facility Management Workplace Design

1 Events


Sentistic - Next-gen IoT for commercial spaces

The Sentistic sensor infrastructure, that can be integrated in lighting systems, digitizes physical spaces with the focus on real-time (and anonymous) sensing of people behaviour (occupancy, counting, walking patterns) and the environment (Air Quality, Lux, sound). This with the sense, analyse, optimise-methodology in mind to optimise space usage, user needs & well-being and energy-usage in physical spaces.

Justin Groots vergangene Veranstaltungen

Event Image
Di., 15. Februar 2022
08:00 – 09:00