
Building Materials & Systems

Zürich, Switzerland
4 Mitglieder

Daten und Fakten

Branche Building Materials & Systems
Gründungsjahr 2019
Mitarbeiter 22
Hauptsitz Zürich, Switzerland

The construction industry is facing major challenges including scarcity of resources especially sand, CO2 emission due to large production of cement. Finally there is an increasing demand for affordable housing worldwide. Meanwhile, billions of tons of excavation materials are landfill per year. This waste material is currently un-used and occupy large volume of space. Our solution consists of using the landfill waste (excavation materials) that is locally available to produce a poured earth concrete. Because we would like the process to be simple and competitive to concrete, we developed a cement-free concrete technology that allows us to cast the excavation materials in fresh state using concrete infrastructure and accelerate the hardening over time in order to remove the formwork after 24 hours

Now Oxara poured earth concrete has all the advantages of concrete but it is cheaper and 90% more ecofriendly. And when industrialized, it constitutes a sustainable solution for the affordable housings problem and will contribute to the reduction of global CO2 emissions, construction waste and sand consumption.

Event Image
Do., 24. Oktober 2024
08:00 – 09:00