Inviertis Properties

Invest & Finance
Mataró, Spain
2 Mitglieder

Daten und Fakten

Branche Invest & Finance
Gründungsjahr 2018
Mitarbeiter 5
Hauptsitz Mataró, Spain
Inviertis is an online market place for leased properties that allow investor to get cash flows from the first month thanks to insights and data driven.
Properties are analyzed as if a stock portafolio so that are better observed as the investment products they are. Tenants are scored, the area is studied and all the events around the property that can make an impact on the mid and long term profitability.

The tool behind the market allows both professionals and privates to monitor the investment and make assumptions and will eventually permit the properties management.

Inviertis is already operating in Spain, providing to investors with a finished investment product and opening market to European investors and plans to expand to several European markets within a year.